At first, I wanted to make mine just plain Frigid, because I think that sounds awesome. But it was taken, of course, so I slapped the second half...
I now see that such a large map would lead to a never ending game, so I'll fix that. And I was thinking of trying to do the firestorm but decided...
[IMG] And may the odds be ever in your favor! The story: I started reading the book about a week ago. I tell you, it is more addicting than...
What I'm wondering is what Chief put on his Magnum at the end of the official trailer.
I'm pissed at Squad Slayer getting nerfed. It had a perfect team size, not too big or too little. And this "super slayer" **** doesn't sound as...
I'm FrigidVengence, which is also my XBL gamertag. I'm starting to get good at forging and I'm hoping that joining here will help my talent...