love the constructive critisism, I am going to make the vehicles locked, or maybe every like minute, they blow up? destroyed vehicles, but the...
odd let me try something
Description might sound like this is not a competetive map, but this is built for 1 Flag CTF, 1 Bomb Assault, Slayer, King of the Hill, and...
DL and jk bad things.
Re: Shadow[From Halo1/2] Sorry dude, I can see the shots, apparently other people cant. DOnt know why that is, try waiting for them to load?
Re: Shadow[From Halo1/2] I remember seeing a screenshot of one, maybe it was halo1 PC.
Shadow Remake from halo 1 and 2. Doesn't resemble it that much but it feels like a shadow. My 2nd Aesetic Map. Download...
Thanks Penguinish! and I am going to fix that and put it back up when I have the time!
not trying to be competition at all, yours is probably going to be alot better XD. Well I can't wait for yours to come out!
This is the battle that Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon fought against Darth Maul. It takes place in the hallway with the shield doors and the big pit of...
I am a kind of expierienced forger that has tons of projects that are unfinished, so with the help of the members of forgehub, I hope to get...
making a new map for all gametypes on foundry. Will have elevated floor and underground passageways and rooms. Will post when it it finished.