what ever
never mind
Nothin LOL
15 dar n you, 15 get that into your kid head! you are clearly 10 if you have no trust.
Hello Thanks for adding me!
Very good map love the Effect that you used, makes it look underground, i will definitly download this map!
15 mocha 15 can you get that into that block head of yours?
I am 15
Ok so on halo 3 odst on the map (bottom right corner) it shows an area similar to the top left are. It also shows that it is open. But when ever i...
I truely am 15
im Daisuke niwa today
Was up sky i posted a new article on my blog, check it out!
Hello guys thanks for visiting!! I will try to update my page about every day to keep you informed. Any and all questions should be sent to me by...
I am 15 .
This map is really good considering the effort you put into it, im impressed love the lamp post!
very well done with the tree and the over all layout of the map. this is the stuff that leads to LEGENDS.
I LOVE THIS VID!!!!!!! Halo 4 [PEGI 16] - Behind the Scenes - YouTube
i will have pics of a new map of mine soon!
the question is in my blog.