Yes i understand this. I'm not going to be posting videos or making them just trying to find people who can show case my maps. Thanks
You need to make your ship more of a smother design to it. I understand bigger designs are harder to build. Try redoing this map and use less...
This maps seems to lack in details and don't seem good for game play your halo 3 was better. I say rebuilding the map and put more pride in your work.
I'm sorry i haven't been able to answer this soon my compute has crashed and wont be able to post any new maps or be able to fix maps that i have...
yes that sounds good i'll go back and take apart the ship may be making it small i tryed to make it so the plays could run any where on the ship...
I have no more budget which surly i would like i would have placed a light house there trust me i thought about it but most of the budget went to...
yea im srry about the pictures being small i tryed very hard to make them bigger but they didnt wont to be. and you are right thst the zobies...
Map based off of "Pirates of the Caribbean" must be plated with the game type Run-A-Ground Note: When you are infected and go though the sender...
ok i wasnt tryen 2 get attention u c i made many copies of this map tryen to get it 2 work and that y i did the dots and underscores but ty for...
My next map ill post will be infection map called Lost Reef with the game type Run-A-Ground
ok i c how 2 post pics and such and ill be putting up a new map soon check out my page to c whats the next map ill post >:)
@FrozenGoathead yeap i came on here 2 be able 2 show off my maps.
yes i c this i put the url in the right place but cannot seem to be able to get it 2 show can u help with this? this is my 1st time doing this.
ok i just fixed it i got the screen shot and description redone all my links work i believe and if there's anything else message me plz that i...
how come your name is on my map that i posted ?!
.O.u.t.-.P.o.s.t._.×.×._.4.7. is an invasion map where as a human is to rescue your fellow members then blow up the alien ship. screen shot of...