ya i wont post anymore modded maps and ty
this looks like its going to hurt O_o
Good gods you insane!? I hit my face into the wall sooooo many times @_@
LMFAO vid is copyright removed xD
ya. im soooooooooo downloading this, looks epic!!!!
only forge!! mods like idems and stuff Edited by merge: Quote: Originally Posted by Shock Theta (In Rules) 5. Do NOT post or link to...
ive only done a few cool this hope you like Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Bungie.net : Halo...
so its agents the forge rules????? sad face all our ships are using that :( dont get why its agents the rules when 343 sez its ok its forge! meh...
im back with another invasion only game this time its the Piller of Autumn, again my friend makes the ships i do the rest of the map/gametype,...
yes its the calcium wall mod, hope thats ok, also it has no game type, unless you want the make one this is mostly for like Machinama purposes ;)
its me again for some more forge ships, this is are biggest one we made coving a large portion of forge world yet can still play a game on it, its...
hello all names haseo, im here to show you the world of halo forge ships, yes i know these maps ill be showing you could be more balanced the main...