I honestly would do this if the actual map was what bothered me most, but its the ridiculous double standard that Bungie has that is truly...
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, but I really need to a place where I know people won't treat me like I have a third eye. I made a similar...
Its a pretty simple idea. I have one on my maps, and I didn't steal it either.
wow completely wrong thread. Didn't mean to bump my own thread. I apologize.
Yea, I should have realized that. Sorry if I took it a little too far. It's just frustrating when I'm looking for ways to improve my map and...
Thank you very much. The lights were a great idea. I also added some colored columns. The updated map is now linked in the OP and I'll change the...
Wow. I like the combination of aesthetics and gameplay. My only question is if it plays like a smaller version of Sandbox than why does it need...
I can see why the ForgeHub community gets no respect outside of the forging ability of the few. I come here with a map to request feedback and I...
When Titmar the Anal Urinater makes a big deal about the name, I guess its time to change it. Any suggestions are welcome.
It looks good, but I assume you made this remake because you aren't completely satisfied with Blackout. I'd suggest adding a few small wedges in...
I'm not real creative and I was watching some JFK conspiracy stuff today on TV. The Grassy Knoll is where conspiracists say he was really shot...
Thanks for the feedback guys. Any suggestions on exactly what to interlock? I see a few things I can work on. I'm fixing the wall by sniper spawn...
Hey guys. I've been a long time lurker on Forge Hub, but I've finally decided to go all out and post a map. This is the first serious map I've...