I dont get the removal of some gametypes at all. I understand not having elites in MM, but why not keep invasion as an all spartan gametype(red vs...
I saw the new Halo 4 trailer and I jizzed in ma pants :D
I really want to see the last of us. Seems like an awesome game. Also ACIII and Halo 4, both of which are already on preorder :D And the more I...
Let me state a few things Ive heard about E3: WiiU release date will be announced(probably) along with a new smash bros title to possibly...
It will only need to be a temporary fix. 343 is picking up fileshare in 2-3 months...
I havnt heard anything about unlockable weapons. In fact Ive heard the opposite. That all weapons stay as they are, but the player can pick and...
Go 'cuse!
[img] [IMG] I never have any problems. of course...by changing servers... [img]
Ive always been quite partial to the plasma launcher. Its blue and shiney and shoots fuzzy/sticky things :P
but but but where is the chamber of understanding!?
Ill be working all summer. I figure that after rent, I should be able to save enough for one of the good HD ones
Ive been looking into capture cards as well. Im writing a machinima that Im hoping to have done in time to film early on in H4. Im kind of lost on...
I would play Darths sack all the time. Id let friends play it too. Is that odd?
I played this with you on a Friday customs lobby a month or so back and LOVED it. Def. getting a DL from me
I hate people...however the frustrating part is that I hate computers equally :/
Dont push my buttons is in the testers guild under the name Button mashers if you want to see it. The rest will be trickling in as I have free...
So...Im 4 maps into forge and I now have a list a page long of things I want to try. So, Id like to present some of them and gauge interest in...
I sent you a pm but forgot the link, so Ill just share with all this time [spoiler] Based off an official GB map, so all the dimensions are...
Ill try my hand at one the second I finish the other stuff I want to do...so tomorrow night :P
I agree that the 2 best teams weren't in the game, but of the 2 teams playing, the giants are better overall than the pats 9ers and Ravens were...