1. Halo 3 2. Halo Wars 3. Halo 2 4. Halo Combat Evolved 5. Fallout 3 6. Star Wars Battlefront 2 7. Star Wars Battlefront 8. Left 4 Dead 9. Super...
Wow sure is a lot. I also wonder there are probably like 5billion grunts killed.
Congratz on Feature it was well deserved. Love the Angled Interlocked structure across from the Sign A and Sign B.
Me and some of my friends tryed it out. It is very nice you did a good job. 5/5
Awesome Map.. Words Can not Describe it.. 10/5
Very Interesting.. Hope to use it sometime..
Gamertag: x CosmicShot x Times you can get on: Weekdays-After 4pm EST, Weekends- Varies Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: Let's...
Hi, My name is Jeffrey and I am 14 years old. I am in a clan for Halo 3 called RtG- (which stands for Rising to Glory)- we have different squads...