Well, I've never made a Grifball map in Reach or Halo 4, but I'll try to help ;D For your problem regarding the bomb spawn and goals, did you...
Hey everybody! I wanted to very quickly tell you all about a map pack that i'm working on called Facility 7B. I currently have three out of the...
Ah, there's the problem. I have four respawns for each team, and they're in a very small hallway! xD I'll raise the roof as well as add four...
I'm almost done with a (hopefully) great Assault map, but I have one little error: the blue team respawns are not working! :cry: For each team, I...
They both spawn above water, but they're fairly high up in the sky. Maybe I could lower them and see if that helps...
I just finished making an Assault map named ChaosBall (it'll be released soon!) but I have run into a glitch. I went into Custom Games, loaded...
I've never made any maps using Safe Havens, but I'm guessing that each health pack would have a Safe Haven objective on it, and by going to each...
Slender comes to Halo: Reach as you try to escape the torment of a faceless beast! Search for the eight notes (health packs,) possibly giving you...
I'm almost done fixing an old map I had made a long time ago, and I'm stuck on how to do the respawns. I am able to successfully have the Phase 1...
They're the reason I even Forge! And I've been meaning to make a map using that Cryo Bay also. But for some reason I liked that AI using Active...
Plot: The Humans are invading a small Covenant ship that threatens to destroy a small UNSC Base (unseen in game.) Phase 1- Assault: The...
Actually, it did inspire me! Although I did make it a bit bigger and my own unique design, not an exact copy from the Campaign. I don't really...
Plot: The UNSC finds an unknown variant of the Tyrant Anti-Aircraft Battery (at the moment nicknamed the "Tyrant XL") and must take it out and its...
I know, I forgot my Windows Live ID thing so I'll be getting all that stuff up by tonight ;D
This is probably my best Forge creation so far, so obviously I'm going to share it :D. Basically, it is a large Covenant Anti-Aircraft Gun based...