Your pink now! :) You should get a pink pony to match!
I should probably remove you from my friends list now!
hello! :) I think we've talked since you posted, but we still need to play COD sometime!
I kinda broke them. Well I did, but he left them on the floor, in front of the bed, under a shirt. Sooooo, I think perhaps they should have been...
Get on xbox! :)
stop encouraging him. no new astros, ever.
You should go on skype.
sadface, I wrote on your FB wall and I even messaged you on skype.. but I completely forgot forge hub! So I'm sorry its a day late! HAPPY...
Your never really on skype. It is frustrating.
I'm currently on vacation, so maybe I'll get to talk to you sometime soon! :)
you ignoring me?!?!?!
your alive. :) missed you!
diablo sucks. period.
I'm so sad about this Diablo game.. it steals him away more than you even!! sooo crazy!
I'm sad I did not wish you a happy birthday on here. :( I guess I'm a terrible friend. I was just checking to see if you, Shadow or Chris have...
Happy birthday! :)
Where the **** are you?
You should come on xbox.
No xbox for you people if I'm not there to supervise.
adam jenson is your best friend... not me... :'(