Let's all make fat kid maps! Now that's Halo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get that League of Legends reference outta here, I can taste the salt. And damn those windows look incredible.
Hmm, I've been struggling along with a 'Battle of Sunaion' inspired 2v2 - 4v4. My struggle has mostly been around connecting the outside of the...
Why do WAYWO threads always turn into **** swinging contests? In all seriousness it's interesting to read these sort of arguments because weirdly...
[img] [img] Finished the basic geometry of the map after a really long time, finally scaled it to a point I'm happy with.
Hey Goat, do us a favour and finish some of your maps this time. I want to play on them not just look at them ;)
Loaded up a map I'd previously been working on and the groups I had disappeared according to forge. Said I only had 1 group on the map now and I...
Took a walk around and I have several comments. Firstly, it looks awesome. Secondly, the bottom catwalks need to be cleaned up. I just don't...
Faster base movement speed, sprint, and bigger player models all contribute to difficulties in scaling. Even if it was scaled 1:1, it would play...
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/RegrettedKarma6/screenshot/3749977 Having trouble with this forge, controls are fine now, but scaling is just a huge...
Don't own a Wii U, but I still watch events anyway because compet Smash is a lot of fun to watch. Along with GRsmash there are some great channels...
I definitely agree with all three of these choices. Slayer more often than not becomes these boring team shooting dominated games where movement...
Voice is perfect for commentary, and really good presentation too.
Would be interesting if players could hold objectives without gimping a player, a la CSGO. So anyways, as for a wacky idea. Generator defense...
Bottom right.
Question, if it drops on the 18th for the U.S, does that still count for me since technically it would be the 19th for me?
Not sure why world championship would use radar, especially one that's so damn deceptive with its proximity. My stance on the maps is remove Rig,...
I imagine there would be considering how vocal we all were about the Season 2 settings and maps earlier this year. No reason not to start one.