Thanks for the comments. I might start on another track soon.
Yeah, I agree that some of the bumps could be smoothed but while I was making this track i was about to leave so I had to rush it just a little...
Thanks, about the starting gate, we decided to keep it off of the track so you shouldn't drive on it/into it while oging around that last bend,...
Pardon Our Dust For Times Yet to Come Made By: killer200o and egodude Description: Pardon Our Dust is a map themed after Halo 3 ODST. It...
Wow, I personally love Crysis, and I can run it on all full settings. Maybe you should consider upgrading your comp if you are going to run games...
Yeah, we hit the object limit near the end, so we had to un-interlock some of our objects.
Thanks for the feedback. Its now of Bunge news =P I have been getting some very good feedback, most people have liked it.
I am not going to put an FX or on this map. I personally hate FX, they were made for screenshots and I think it should stay that way.
Final Effort By killer200o and Egodude [img] A mosaic of the 7th Column Description: The map starts out with a banked turn leading to an pitch...
I took the pics in forge on purpose. I released this map before they were publicly available. We wanted to show the grid to people, and how it...
I ma not sure how it will play with rocket race because there is only one destination and it is a set course. Never tried it tough.
The jump always works, but sometimes the landing is rough. Also it is flat because we made it in 1 day, it was the first Sandbox Racetrack. It is...
Yeah, we ran out of money near the end and it really isn't worth the update. We are working on a new map right now, but are having a little...
Thanks, I am glad you like it.
Preview Made By: Killer200o and Egodude Instead of making a long writeup describing it, I assume everyone would rather see pictures, so here that...
I love ubuntu, I run it too. Windows XP [img] Ubuntu Linux [img]
Yes, but then I became inactive.. sigh but yes, you can check it out here: Halo 3 File Details
Thank you, can you remove the space Between the words Halo and Tracks
Battle Tracks, the racing community who loves to leech off of all HT's publicity by being a "sister group" Its ok dream, but seriously, that...