Played some Reach snipers not too long ago for acouple hours and got some clips and thought i might aswell make alittle vid out of them, nothing...
[media] Hey guys! Here is a new Halo Highlight video. Not much editing just clips and music, hope...
Thanks for the comments guys :)
Halo 4: Nasty Team Doubles Overkill! - YouTube Yes :)
Famous Halo Highlights #7 - YouTube :)
Halo 4: A WTF Binary Slayer Moment - YouTube
Hey guys not sure if this is the right place to ask but just gonna keep this short. Im looking for a forger/forgers to create a fun little...
Famous :: Champion :: Halo 4 Montage - YouTube
Unlucky for him... Epic Spawn Kill! | Team Snipers - YouTube
Halo 4: Team Doubles Fun! w/Jiranchi (Live) - YouTube :)
Here is my first Halo 4 Highlight video, some of the clips are abit old but thats ok :P Hope you guys Enjoy :D Famous Halo Highlights #6 - YouTube
Halo 4: Stick Killtrocity! - YouTube :)
Halo 4: 2 For 1 Stick Triplekill Into Stick Overkill! - YouTube I love Sticky Nades :D
I usually get it alot in matchmaking so i have some practice with it :)
Got this little clip today and wanted to share! Really liking this gun! Halo 4: All Rail Gun Triple Kill While 1 Shot - YouTube
I was only at the lift for a few seconds cause i knew the guy was gonna lift up. If you know me i dont camp ever. Unless i have to play it safe...
When i realized that i got the 2-4-1 i was in shock cause when i turned the corner i seen 2 red dots on the radar and i was imagining me hitting...
Yeah were not the best players haha. I usually never get matched with total noobs or else i would be getting killionaires all day :P
Got this clip this morning and was happy with it cause i havent been getting alot of clips lately. Usually cause i dont get the sniper alot. Enjoy...
Where is that? It seems that where ever i spawn the 2nd round ramp does not spawn at the right time it spawns waaay after. I dont get it