Ok. So we are all pretty much in agreement that a class-based shooter isn't our favorite type of shooter (perhaps even for different reasons) ,...
So, with this weapon update making the BR a 4-shot, will I, when playing BTB and choosing the DMR, find that I'll lose considerably more than half...
Fenix, I think most people on this forum have considered the point and questions in your first paragraph, seeing as how they're pretty...
The amount of players that they had to "win back" from 3 to Reach aside (I don't know how much the population declined from 3's peak to just...
Perhaps you and Pegasi were implying this, but if 343 only looks at population numbers (Why wouldn't they? They must have thought that what they...
My first post (and visit to the site) in a while. I've typed this before, H4 BRs are precise from the valhalla laser spawn to the caves, and the...
If by "that they can't use as well" you mean that such players forego the AR because they are overall more helpful players with a DMR and without...
I know that going into a game expecting something and being unpleasantly surpised isn't fun for a while, but why does a banshee have to get 5...
I think that the boltshotgun is more of a problem than I thought before. Most maps like Haven and BTB maps have wide pathways/entrances and a lot...
But if you put a few DMR shots into the enemy who is walking straight at you, you wouldn't have to double pummel, right? Now that bleedthrough is...
Now you're confusing me - you say that you "would reduce shotgun damage per range", which contradicts "in addition to increasing the shotgun's...
I had trouble with the infinity holdout as well for a bit because the light rifles that the knights left behind seemed to blend into the ground...
It's funny how you typed "think a bit" before you typed one of the most obvious things about the shotgun. You think camping is a problem, but do...
I haven't played the last three missions yet, but I didn't find it that way- the knights seemed to do less damage (considering accuracy when...
I didn't play those missions yet, but a Sangheili "terrorist"? Is that because they're a rebel faction? When I think about it's not so much...
My response is bolded within your spoiler.
I don't know if this is also a place to discuss some of the non-pure-story parts of the campaign, but... [spoiler]
I agree about strafing not helping much at certain distances. I didn't type that or how it was least effective when players can move in and out of...
I've hardly read any of the posts from the past two days, but I just went to this page- you don't think that the needler was powerful in H3 and...
They could have some sort of equivalent to the boot system, but for marking custom hosts who have gametypes which are meant to be...