lol i tried to make that game, but it ended up not working out due to very complicated mechanics I couldn't grasp
Yeah, I'll join, I also offered those guys to host later today. I could have sworn I put myself down for today though :/
......... fuk me... EDIT: Half of them sent me messages saying they couldn't make it anyway. so that sucks. (facepalms)
My lobby hasn't started yet :/
I did, but I can't make it. I'm busy that day
No problem :)
Yes, but now there is 1 map on my playlist I'm having issues downloading :(
yeah, i'm going to
mkay, I'll do it
did you want me to host for FCC?
Np I was in a rush, that was a mistake
Hey, do you mind if I co host with you? I'm a little behind with stuff lately and I'd rather just getin with someone else than scramble to put up...
Yes? You need anything bro?
Sorry for the short recrap. 3000 character limit. It also glitched and I couldn't post thisin the recrap thread.
Just to let you know, I got a new laptop, so I added some of the staff members on skype, including you.
His youtube profile is AirsoftXX. I have spoke with him on the subject briefly, but I haven't gotten a good chance to talk to him yet. Even when...
His GT is MrPokephile. He has a small youtube channel with about 50 subscribers, and he does forging series, contests, ect. His editing work would...
Hey, REM, I think a found the perfect person to make video recaps, if you still need someone. I will speak to him about it later today.
Hey REM, sorry I didn't catch the timezone thing, so I'll have you know I reside in Central America(not Mexico), more specifically Texas.
Hell yes. Fantastic job nutduster, I'm lovin the game! Could you possibly edit this to show more tf the starting area though? I'm curous as to the...