For sure you can ! :D Thanks dude.
Hi everyone ! I'm back to present you a map pack. A Covenant map pack. I show you this one, Eternum, I'm forging the two others of the pack. I...
Hi ! I would just like some advice on this map is not finished yet. This map is simple, 4 vs 4 with many jumps. Asthant [IMG] If you want...
How many rocks are available ?
Better than the Matchmaking version. But I have noticed some Forge defaults.
There is an interior, so I can delete some things for budget. ;) Thanks. :3
Hi everyone ! GamerTag : SnR Zaelkyria Map : UNSC Poseidon Description : A large UNSC ship, totally invented. Not playable, it's just...
Really nice ! Clean forged, but the legs are a bit thick.
Thanks. I will try to incorporate some gameplay in my next ship.
Thanks. I'm bad to Forge UNSC ... ^^'
Strangely not, the frame is normal.
Oh sorry. ^.^ Thanks. :)
I agree to the killzones, but Halo 4 is not horrible. The " Forge Worlds " are large enough, except for large maps like these.
Yeah. Killzones are useless.
I did not do it for that. I posted in both places because I was not sure that everyone was in the other section Forge. I still just 10$. It is...
Hi everyone ! There is the project that I Forge since December, UNSC Infinity. UNSC Infinity GamerTag : SnR Zaelkyria Map : UNSC...
Hi everyone ! There is the project that I Forge since December, UNSC Infinity. UNSC Infinity GamerTag : SnR Zaelkyria Map : UNSC Infinity...
No, I don't know ... But I can put more objects without the fail of lightning. And I didn't test on Ravine and Impact. But I'll. :3
The lightning system change. The invisible budget ( ) is...
Yes, I did it with the Warholic system.