Can anyone help me figure out how to find my most recent screenshots? I looked on Bungie's website but they said that they wont update the...
alrite sounds good. I dont know if Ill be able to make it. If it says im watching netflix or hulu plus, its probably somone in my family on my...
Ill see if i will be able to make it. Are you going to play the same maps as last night?
Good map from what I could tell. Many great aesthetics. I especially like the giant computer in the last pic. Anyways, good looking map and keep...
Thanks for the awesome infection lobby! Sorry i had to leave on such short notice, but i had to attend a family matter. Anyways, keep it up! :]
When you post your map on the BIOC social group bulletin, do you have to be there to get it tested\played?
oh yes sorry about that
Release date for my new infection map delayed. Lack of testers. Ill find a few players to test it, but dont expect it to come out soon
hey everyone gamertag change my new gaertag is BmV x SCAR3CR0W
Love the map! it inspired me to do my own linear infection series! Hope u start making more videos!!
Thanks for the message. Ive only revealed a small bit in the screenshots. Ive tried to add some more aesthetics but had to cut down on some for...
LOTR: Helm's Deep by Oakley HiDef
Hello everyone I am here with a preview of my new infection map. This is the first in a three-part series if linear infection maps. Hope ya like...
Love the maps!! They have cool themes and a fun storyline. But can you please message me on how you made the doors in which players have to wait...
Awesome map linked together by a fascinating storyline! One question: You said at one point that survivors had to wait for a door to open. I was...
Thank you for the welcoming and the comment about the gate. I will apply it to future maps
Kim Jong Il 69 Sneezed his brains out (had common cold)
hahaha awesome!
Ya it was a great idea so why wouldnt i use it? lol its just about done just need a little tweaking and then ill submit it for testing.
The actual place where you drop the bomb is inside the base round. Thank you for your compliments and advice!