I love urban warfare more than anything, so I think it is going to be crater or rally point for me.
Dude, I was doing this, but i was stopping after starting a new round, thinking it was an unfixable sandbox glitch. But, you know, the bad kind,...
Insane game on this map, though not very good on FFA, its amazing on One Flag or Multi Flag.
Nice, I've personally never seen many bubble shield shots
Wow, instant download, this map deserves to be featured. I'm definitely gonna play this a lot.
yea, this is a good idea for a map, but has already been used multiple times and one cannot do much else with the inside than what's already been...
Yea, that was pretty gross, but I was laughing the whole time.
never even heard of saber SWAT. Care to enlighten me?
Well, lets think about this for a second: In halo 2, you were allowed to become an elite and they continued that in Halo 3. Plus, in Halo 3, not...
gaa! I was making a gametype exactly like this. Except, I was gonna call it firefight rather than the on Ice, which is clever, don't get me wrong....
i downloaded, i'll get back to you in an hour or so
I see what your attempting to do. It's a nice idea. But, I do agree, this map needs to be more complex and have more places to hide. If you can...
ill try it out, but i personally think the bases should be moved closer to the default bases, in order to prevent the whole match on being snipers...
i knew this map would be featured but i agree with blanked...this should have been featured a month ago..good job though :)
i guess ill replace your old relic with this one... i still think this is the best remake
this looks sick dude, especially the platforms, which i assume are major chokepoints. i'll dl
i got mine 1010, then it kept relocking itself, so i got the vidmaster acheivment and got it somewhat permanantly, because i can play games with...