Well I did try to make a good map, which I hope others like it, and hope they think it plays real well but my biggest goal was to make a map that...
I have done some modifications to the map itself and made the backside of the map less dull, also I turned the no go zone into a risky area to get...
Its actually good. I did use quite a bit of items on the map but the map does not glitch at all when you move around it. But in forge if you get...
Rapture : By ICONway EX7 Hello forge hub, its ICONway EX7 again with a new map. This map as you know already is called Rapture. My new map is a...
Hey there, sorry for the inconvenience but early last week I submitted a post in the halo reach casual maps section called new valhalla. Today I...
On accident I posted this map in the wrong section of forum. So to make up for the re-post I added a few new photos to give you an ever better...
I want to see Cyanic featured. I think this map deserves it. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-competitive-maps/121599-cyanic.html
That is just awesome, how do you get the blocks to do that?
Wow you put a lot of thought into this. I'm going to try it out.
I like this!