Near the side buildings and their teleporters, it isn't easy to camp there nonetheless. I will take out the needle rifle up top too. I...
Thanks for the advice. I guess it would be better for 2v2. I will try to rearrange the weapons and stickies... Come to think of it, it is a lot....
( Yes, I speak french. I have a feeling the verb is misspelled though? ) Anyways, after playing a week of MW3, finally decided to post my map....
I understand it's meant to be a long track, but It has poor aesthetics and is too flat. I hate it when a lap is more than 2:00 ( just my opinion )...
Instead of shooting a sniper, just shoot the pallet apart... Not that hard :/ I guess it could work, but doesn't it just look weird, there? If...
Map layout looks pretty good, but near the center of the map, those rocks look great, but looks like an eye soar ( Spelling? ) without any near...
Lately, I came up with a few ideas. But, I got stuck on a few things... 1: I was planning on remaking a Mario Kart Double Dash map, but I think I...
Hello there Forge Hub! I am ( Finally feel like it ) going to post one of my maps that I'm working on. I made the foundation awhile ago, and...