thank you for the feedback. sure i want share a version of this map without dinamic element, how as lockdown, shrine that have a"simple" and an...
sorry i didn't understand.. what needs?
Hi, This is an H2A map for 4vs4, inspired by Simplex and Midship. Download from GT: Lukr4sh [MEDIA] GEOMETRIC DESCRIPTION: Elliptic Arena,...
thanks for your post, it's very useful!
mm.. yes you can be rright.. for 2.0 version i'll remember it..
i understand. imho it's true when they are few.. if the structure has many element of that colours, maybe be good.. i love that colours,...
thanks! i didn't know as the ramp stunts.. why are looked ugly?
mm.. is not a team slayer version this?
Munus I love the result of this map, for gameplay and estethique solutions. Gameplay is fluid, all zone are adjacent, easily approachable. It's...
ahh yes, i watched that film.. i know it as "atto di forza", in italian language. But i don't understand which is the similar point in the film..
no i dont know that film.. it's a coincidence.. thanks for your council!
thanks. yeah i'm suprised as you for no comments, i think it's a good map. It's that as more liked to my friends. probably the photos don't...
Spaceship It's a simple map, with a futuristic aspect. Like a spaceship, wich has taked the name. It's symmetric. There are perimetric tunnels...
thanks for the advices! yes this map is not recent, i built it before i know this site. Then, seeing your jobs, my forge technique is improved. I...
Curfew Simple map with classic structure. The main streets has 90° angle, such as a chessboard, that converge in a central square (up), and a...
:) No, my friends like the map, it's ok!
was not my intention to copy the other jobs. My intention was sharing a better version of that map, and with its canvas would have been better. A...
Yes of course. I've posted my job in "subterrane" topic. They like this job and permitted me to rename it, with reference to the original map. for...
Understone This is a remake of "subterrane", forged by Rogue & Blaze. When i see their map i loved it. The atmosphere, the details. It's too...