Sorry i am in the process of new link's for the picture's and your link for the rule's and guideline's doesn't work.
Well im glad to see im not the only one that painstakingly remade Sword Base on Reach.I for one did too and might i say your's look's way better...
Thanks and i know the outside looks sloppy i mainly worked on the details on the mansion at the time but i will end up decorating the outside a...
Hello Forgehubinator's! I'm back again only this time around I've made an Infection map called -Mansion- (Note the name might change)That was the...
None taken,on the fusion coil part there was 3 on the original lockout so i wanted to keep it authentic like halo 2's if you click the link...
The reason it was built in the area i chose was because if i had built it above water it would have trouble loading the back ground in which it...
I know there's ton's of lockout remakes out there but i had to do one for myself so i can at least say i did one and hope it turned out good.It...
Just want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays!!...
Well thanks for checking out my map and given sum feedback.Ill start off by saying i know hiding the sword underwater might be awkward so ill...
thanks and yup thats all i used lol i made the phoenix for one of my friends thats her favorite emblem so its dedicated to her
This is one of the first attempts doing forge art hope yall like it ^^ [IMG]
thanks ill keep that in mind
Hello to all forgilators,this is my most recent map called Fountain.I got inspiration from the maps Warlock and Foundation from halo 2.Fountain is...
i just joined not to long ago and im amazed at how many people are on here i too forge when im bored or just to have fun being creative.but im...
well good maybe now i can find sum good halo maps :P
I know many have remade these maps but im just looking around for any and all remade halo 2 maps that are accurate or almost accurate(no bodys...