Any Ideas as to how I can make a small 'random' mystery box. Requirements: 1. it has to be small, it must fit inside the 2x1 block. 2. It has...
Your map is okay overall but it's not the best thing to look at, try fixing some of the texture issues. Also, what do you think of my map,...
Flowing water = unlikely. Water Effect = likely. A moving water animation is much more likely to happen than actual flowing water. For example,...
IMO, the ZB gametype for Beta should make you start with a DMR primary and an AR secondary. What do you guys think?
I made an infection map, and the humans can pickup weapons, but the zombies can't. When a zombie dies a human picks up the sword and it kills the...
Budget may be an obstacle, but I'm sure I could tweak some money into the map by deleting something. Also, I need help on figuring out a way...
It is my version of a detailed remake of the Nacht der Untoten Map from CoD 5 (without a working mystery box). I have a second version of the map...