Sarge died? Holy ****. I remember way back when I was youngin', me and Mocha restarted The Pharmacy Counter. I did a lot of things on this site...
Boo .
[media] I'm close friends with the SKILLEDNumbeR1 that this guy talked about in the video, and we've known this guy for a while. And believe me,...
Thank ****ing god. Hopefully when you get gift cards the money on them will be worth the same as they did for its MS points counterpart (1600 MS... Full album released on Soundcloud. You're welcome :)
Be on here when I shouldn't.
This is true genious! Why didn't I think of this earlier? I must examine it more...
Le sigh, another worthless attempt by Youtube to make even more money. No way in hell this is gonna work. They're getting carried away by the fact...
That or they're a group of soldiers that call themselves "Ghosts".
This was only the teaser trailer, so it kinda makes sense that not much is revealed here. There will be more info on May 21 at the next gen Xbox...
[IMG] Because I can't figure out how to change my desktop :/ I feel like a huge noob asking this, but how can you change your desktop on a Windows...
New teaser trailer just got released for the next CoD. [media] Seems to me like its a spin-off of the MW series, but it's gotta be something...
puke green
I dunno why, but for some reason this reminds me of The Cauldron from Spartan Ops. Not sure if that's the exact name, but it sorta has a fiery...
I remember your one map from Halo Reach, I forget the name but it was splattered in orange. I'm glad you decided to return to the color scheme in...
I never put it to thought honestly.
Oh, now it works :)
I can't see your pic in the Post Your Picture thread.
Seems interesting, but when I sign up to fill in all the stuff at the beginning, it askss for a company name :/ . I guess all of you just pulled...
Still May 21, but just because the song itself is out, people will start posting it to Youtube. Same thing with other songs such as Started from...