Oh my god... Those points where Evade is made to be used... You're a genius. They work flawlessly. good job! I'm very impressed! You should...
Looking at the photos and reading through your descriptions, I gotta say it really reminds me of a LoZ dungeon. The second test reminds me of the...
This is awesome. It plays smooth and looks great, good job! I also want to say high-five on the color coding of the call out areas. But I have...
Thank God! No pun intended, lol. I really like the map. Do you have a custom gametype for it, or is it just for standard Infection? I'm going...
I think you meant to make it into the shape of a number and name it after a similar looking letter. (trolololololol). Since, if you look at "S"...
This! That was my absolute first thought when I saw the first photo. It looks interesting, but probably should put a warning on there for...
Haha, thanks for that last comment. I know where you're coming from. I did try out it with slayer, though, with three teams and it worked quite...
While it is set up for symmetrical game types, I was leaning toward asymmetrical to be used. I did play 1 flag on and slayer on it and they...
This is a map I finished a while back but never did get around to putting on here. With nothing better to do at the moment, here it is!...
Sorry, lol. I didn't say you were retarded, I was just really trying to help you get this fixed. Don't want to see someone get in trouble...
This looks amazing. Brings back so many memories. =D I love what you've done with the place! Definitely a DL from me. Will bring up this map...
There should be an "edit" button somewhere on the first post (your post at the very top) where you can change the text and add/remove items such...
So let me get this straight... You can upload the map to your fileshare but not the screenshots? That doesn't make sense. But you don't need to...
The map seems really messy from the looks of the screenshots. Death Island was my favorite on PC and I really don't see the resemblance, at all....
Just a heads up, in the description you put " varied train" but I think you meant "varied terrain." On another note, if I was into the racing...
This looks interesting but seems like it may have some frame rate lag, especially since you're out of cash, which means that there is a whole lot...
Must say, strange seeing this randomly in the forums. Must also say, GOOD JOB! I've played this several times in matchmaking and absolutely...
Good lord, this map is massive. A few questions; How many players is RECOMMENDED? I know you said 4-16, but how many is the perfect number? Is...
Thanks for the heads-up This being my second map posted, after you said something, I realized that I was posting the download link wrong. Both...
No more forging? That's sad. Sorry to see you go, even though I just got here. I really like this map. From the photos, it looks amazing and...