hello people this is the map splashes It had very long it took to build without it is leegy she was fine-tuned with the AGL community extraction...
I will solve the problem immediately for them I'm sorry that I forget about it
what they mean with the old file ? what should I understand
here is my creation of Narrows The lobby is not the best läst plays very well and the lifts are set for mlg provide some cover height is too low...
jo bro you've made it into the favorites to come to this is the hammer you are one of the few who have earned it generally, the ideas are...
This app is very good I had seen how they spent many hours have for this maps and finally has the big hassle was worth hat off to them they are...
I thank you for your feedback with the clean spownzons's all right and they have tried to cap the flag once quite difficult because the center is...
I know the map is quite small But it was just about the German community I tested the map with a lot of people very long and it was moderately...
without them what they want The map looks pretty small but it is is a 5 on 5 very playable it is up to the spawn points, they act well together...
I forgot about the map is running perfectly smoothly for 4 screen
a map Creation from forging2perfektion This map has taken a long time to build up to the state which it is now The map has been constructed...
It's nice to know they delete posts that are negative I say just how it is in the German community sorry for the bad rating If I hurt you I'm...
some as not
thanks people
that would be a dream if that happens
at a thing I must not disappoint you, there is no 1v1 map
I find that really nice of you so much
play it once it's really good and zetup can no longer build
I'll probably update the map again
(apology for my bad english) I think this maps very nicely the shape and design is outstanding she is playing very well I think green is a little...