Looks interesting, but the attacking side seems a little out-gunned, i mean the defending team has two tanks and a gauss-hog; by the looks of it...
Yes a agree with the ability to use amror abilities, such as hologram, while carrying the bomb makes it a lot more powerful or useful. I've have...
Hm... is it too late to ask for the test film? I understand it maybe out of your temp. history already. Thanks again for testing my map. :)
Oh em gee lol I'm not sure if i'm suppose to be happy or depressed, I know TG is pretty much honest about maps. I'm ready to suck it up, come at...
Oh there is water i didn't noticed that in the other screen shots. Hm well i was actually expecting more of a close up on some aesthetics, but the...
I second what assasanatorjr said and if you could add some aesthetic pictures would also be nice.
Well... i think so my map still would be fine with 4v4, then again you are right, the best test possible would be with 6v6.
Thanks for the advice Psychoduck. :) I'll re-post my map. BTW my map is also compatible with a 4v4 lobby.
Oh alright, thanks a lot for telling me. :) I'm also in college, i understand. I'll trust you with my map's test then :)
Greetings Psychoduck, I have a question regarding TG. I posted a my map on TG to get tested, and just recently (about a day ago) it disappeared. I...
Acknowledged Bloo Jay. :)
Have you tried Tinypic.com? It worked for me when i got the pictures from bungie.net. EDIT: I can't tell you the link or else it will fall under...
I'll look forward into challenging you too Alberio. :) Though it would be more of a challenge for me, but i have made a number of breakthroughs...
The video doesn't work...
World record holder eh... Well i'm not losing faith if i'm going against you haha. I play tetris on tetrisfriends.com mostly, do you play there?...
Hello there Alberio, nice to meet you. I see you forged a few maps. Btw I also play tetris, pretty good at it too. :)