Oh alright, I'll have to retry it sometime then. I figured I broke the delta part, but thought I did everything else the right way lol.
Yea that's fine, I will upload the video when I get home around 830 pm EST. And yes the jump I was talking about was part of the "b" extraction....
Alright so I just beat it. It took me about an hour-ish. I really liked almost every part of the puzzle, it was very cool and some stuff was...
Been looking for some halo 4 puzzles, will give this a shot when I get home tonight.
I disagree. I would love to see them keep the game EXACTLY as it was, just with xbox live re-added. Don't change any gameplay mechanics, glitches,...
SNES: Super Mario World (Not sure on this one, just guessing) Gameboy: Pokemon Blue N64: Mario 64 Ps1: Crash Bandicoot: Cortex Strikes Back Ps2:...
Sure my gamertag is Dragonit3vision I probably won't be on till later though, like 11:00-11:30pm EST.
The map looks very nice. Looks very clean and interesting. From looking at the screenshots, to me I'm seeing a lot of resemblance to ghost town. I...
I want to go see 42, has anyone seen that yet? Any thoughts on it?
Rise Against used to be my favorite band back in high school, listened to them all the time. I kinda feel like listening to them again now....
Alright thanks, I'll post it when I'm done. On a side not, is your username based on the Rise Against song?
Thanks, I just ordered my Xbox live subscription and halo 4 from amazon, so I will certainly check that out. I am very interested in puzzle maps,...
Thanks for the warm welcome, I'll be sure to check that out. I'm still kinda new to forging on H4 and am trying to figure out puzzle tricks.
Hey guys, been a lurker here for awhile and decided to start posting. Thought what better way to introduce myself by showing you guys a few of my...
Hey everyone, what's up? Been a lurker here for quite a long time, but finally decided to post. Some things you should know about me: I've been a...