From what I can see; outstanding. This map caught my attention immediately in your preview, for the reason that this is what I have always wanted...
This looks like a decent infection game, but the map itself needs more "aesthetics". Also, I think it would be cooler if there are rocks on the...
I still await what the whole "surprise" of the Hang 'em High remake will be. I'm guessing that it would act as a new "sandbox" (Halo 3), since...
And, you think this why?
I have to go for Embarcadero, since the first time I saw it I was speechless. :) Hard decision though.
My least favourite Halo 3 map was Isolation, even though I really like the look of it.
I'm assuming it was in an invasion slayer match. Btw, that happened to me a month ago in an invasion slayer match on Spire, where I shot a...
Dude, I have to say, a simulation couldn't be any better than this. I Dl'd and was at it for an hour, starting rounds over and over again. The...
Lol, it almost seems that you read my mind. These ones Pl0x.
I have a feeling since the Hang em' High remake hasn't been shown yet besides 1 picture, pretty sure that it will act as a new Sandbox from Halo...
I haven't seen Terminal from Halo:2 remade before... Maybe it has been? Anyway I believe remaking Terminal would be interesting.
K thanks. I tried it. :)
If only pallets could be used on Forge World...
I know how to merge scenery within a wall or block, etc, but how do you merge scenery into scenery? It would be greatly appreciated if answered!
I would suggest adding more cover around the base areas and adding a tall column within the amazing structure on the 1st picture which won't be...
Actually, there is this specific hole in the top of one of the caves in Battle Canyon (Beaver Creek) which is said to might lead to a Forge...
I didn't know that could be done even if you don't have Reach... Are you sure? :o
A few days ago, I got in a scorpion in Boneyard, so I went down to my team's base, and some random teammate went on top of my cannon and would not...
Actually it happened months and months ago, so don't expect any video :P
Around 5 months ago, I was in a Wraith in Hemmorrhage while there was 30 seconds remaining and suddenly, an enemy Revenant came and shot at me...