sure it is.... But i must say this map is epic the idea is new in my opinion and there most definantlly dark magic involved lol :O
Thanks for all your thoughts on this i'll try to capture more retarted grunts soon :D
now hold on i tried this map with 8 people and 4 player split screen and found little to no lage the map is well thought out and carfully forged...
great demo firebase white is easy on silver if you have a widow or a level 20 vanguard both of which my friend has i use a sentinal with just the...
ok i played on this last night and i have 3 problems 1.if you have enough people that can comunicate like we did you can camp the zombie spawns...
wooooooowwwwwww this is epic looks nice and from the video plays great looking foward to downloading this you and tomlids did a great job and i...
yer the download link thing allways screws up it says you do not have permission to peform this action just go onto reach go into the file browser...
yes i do like infection a lot why?
oh boy here come the people that competed in the coliseum wall contest and lucky me i was starting to test doing this sort of thing yesterday time...
i'm going to fire a shotgun at a wall 12 times and it apears to say armor walkers so thats my choice
hey all iv'e had a thought of posting a map for a while but somthing allways goes wrong so i thought until i get it fixed i'dd give you a preview...
this map looks intreasting it looks clean but also looks challenging i had a look at the first part in the walkthrough section to get a feel of it...
Elite apocalypse: elite slayer blarg ball (elite griffball) elite 1 flag elite 1 bomb elite infection banshee warfare (yeah you herd me) that is...
personally i belive thhat by simply adding rocks in the right way can stop the map from being a sea of grey toaday i made 1v1 map outside of...
cat n mouse it is one of the only cat n mouse maps on reach to have no honour rules and unlimeted wraiths
nice map looks like you got insparation from darth humans hall wars i like on how their is two hallways instead of one makeing people divide their...
this map is a great idea the GRD doll has a lot of uses such as being able to push the flag around without it being touched and now another great...
no offense but the map feels a bit compact like you have lots of things in a small area i'm not saing the map is bad i think the map good just you...
ahh timesplitters never played the first a fourth would be awsome i hope they bring back the baby drone i missed them and if it becomes a sandbox...
wait it's a playable map still nice job ii always allowed my map list being taken over by asthetic maps nice job i have an idea for the next map...