It's been going through approval from Sony/MS for a while now, PC got the patch several days ago.
High Explosives you mean? I did it alone, just make a big circuit around the outside, stopping at the two ammo crates. From there you just have to...
I liked the RPG aspects of Mass Effect more than BioShock. Plus, I played through Mass Effect 3 times, while I only played BioShock once. I'll...
Good Maps. I'm not really a fan of most maps in MW2. They all have like 4 stories and 5 ways into each building on each floor. Which makes for...
There isn't one. It's the way the game is designed, so that a level 1 fresh into the game can pick up a default class and compete with a level 70...
I'm more curious as to why C4 is the final equipment unlock. Also curious as to what one man army perk is. Also, **** YEAH ONE MORE WEEK.
I'm pretty sure that's just scenery (like the ones on Ambush) because if I recall correctly, IW confirmed that vehicles were only going to be...
I can't wait to use a silenced shotgun.
If you want to be in a band, be a bassist. Every band needs one, but there aren't all that many bassists, plus it's probably the easiest of the...
I don't know where you heard this, but this post says much different. 29 Shotgun rounds vs. 89 Sniper rounds. Of course, these results are in...
It's been a while since I got it, but I'm pretty sure it was me and one of my friends who did it with 2 bots. One of us had to be Zoey because she...
You mean the one with the guy and the huge ass pimple on his chin? If so, that one was much worse than this one, but they're both incredibly...
I felt like I was watching a poorly animated, predictable, and unfunny Robot Chicken. Is that static **** really necessary?
Why the **** did you send in the power brick? It's your own fault you lost it, don't blame customer support for your incompetence. If you bothered...
It has a several week incubation period, so most of the time you don't know you have it until you've already inadvertently given it to other...
This reminds me of that video of the black family who give their kid an Xbox 360 box filled with clothes.
Damn you...I thought there was information about Crackdown 2 in this thread. Grr... But yeah, the first one was incredible, and I can only hope...
Thanks for that. If not DXM, are there any other hallucinogens that are relatively easy to acquire that you think are less dangerous?
Cocaine should remain on the no discussion list because of it's addiction potentials. All of the ok'd drugs are not very (if at all) physically...
Whoa whoa whoa. Whoa. I didn't realize that's what negative feedback was. I thought you were just being an ass for no reason, but now I get that...