Wtf i dont understand why D: EDIT: There think i fixed it can someone let me know :D?
Hey everyone Lannders here. It's been a long time coming, the first time in two years ill be posting something. Lets get right to it. [IMG] This...
This looks really good man. I really like the aesthetic touches that you've added. Also the frame rate shouldn't be to bad cause they did indeed...
Now as i played a game on this map with Fanenl Ive got to say i love the fact that no matter how bad i got cornered i always had a way out. There...
One other thing i Noticed was that some of the Count down Kill barriers were in odd places Such as above the lift in the first picture. A simple...
Cool cant wait to see what you think.
Oh Zanny He didn't actually use 2x2 Steeps its just the 2 story base from impact has really steep stairs is all. On another note i played more...
Hey sorry i keep missing you bro. If you want rather than trying to meet up check out Stand Still(Map Preview) its got a Beta DL link that you...
Uh sure gimme like 5mins EDIT: Link is in the OP
Not Bad, Some of those ideas could prove useful!
Oh about the normal 2x2 stairs, they are fine i ment to say 2x2 Steep's. As for the little spot out of bounds that can happen to anyone, just glad...
Hey man tis cool Most of the Cover **** i think was just my shitty play LOL. As for the barrior i tottaly understand, I mean I didn't mean for it...
Definitely looks interesting, Although judging by the screenies i can say i think id get lost. Lol all the walls kinda look the same. Or the shots...
No comments really? Well let's change that. First POV. Going just from the pictures I have to say I am impressed. The way you fit in the larger...
Hot damn. You good sir are amazing. Id hug you if i could. Lol
Alright so i finaly posted some new screenies as well as a top down for the map. As well i did a revised weapons/vehicles list.
Well too make this a little more lovely i grabbed a few better screen shots of my new map stands still. First up ill do a run through of...
Hehe Thanks for the words Hydro. Its pretty tidy But your right the LoS is a *****. I havent really done much work on it since this post. But i...
A new 2v2 map started earlier thismorning. . . been working on it all day. Just thought id post up some pics of what ive done thus far. A quick...
Oh **** your right lmfao. At this point i had only done the other side. Though now ive worked on it since and finished both. If you want and can...