Shock Theta, Hey man I asked you w while back if i could change my name back to my original gamer tag of OTT2OWN but you never wrote me back.JUst...
Major Update to Beachalanche added. (Version 3) - DOWNLOAD BEACHALANCHE Version 3 HERE - (or in the thread) Update Details: *Added and...
I love this map and it really has a unique feel to it. I really dont get the comparisons to Snowbound though, lol guys.. =/ The only similarity...
My old account which appeared as "ott2own", yeah if you could do this i would much rather have it appear in all caps like this if possible.....
This map = Awesomesauce!! =) But really this is the only map that i have seen so far that spans all the way around Pinnacle and does it...
Thanks man! :) Yeah im glad that you got the feel of Avalanche on here,thats exactly what i was shooting for. I want people to feel like "cool...
Hey Shock Theta,i was told to come to you and that you can help me change my name. Well i decided to change my name because it seems to be...
I really like this map and I personally agree and see nothing wrongs with the use of the Fuel Rod as a center weapon and everyone does always use...
Version 2 of Beachalanche Added No worries man! Yeah i will still give you a personal tour of this map soon,like we use to do in the good ol'...
Looks pretty sweet and forged in a really cool spot that hardly anyone forges in. Downloading!! P.S. - LMFAO on your other post!! =D That was...
Beautifully forged and very clean map by the looks of things! Its a download for sure! I would be proud too... if i forged this lol ! :)
This looks really interesting and well thought out.Im downloading for sure! Its crazy just how much effort that you put into this post... Never...
This map is really solid and i love the fact that you used an area that hardly anyone else uses it seems... I cant even recall anyone making a map...
Thanks Cryppy! , i will try to embed a pic or the video,hopefully my post will be up to standards then.Please let me know your opinion on the map...
Beachalanche- Created by OTT2OWN [ Download Beachalanche V3 Click Here ] V3 Update Details: [spoiler] Map Description: (BTB 10-16...