I preorederd it and Im goin to the midnight launch and I cant wait. man just imagine that you and a crowd of halo fans.
still make it a bit mor managable because a guy killed me with a dmr 2 shots to the head.
now 343 has done good for putting in a beta for the up coming playlists and im loving it but there is on tiny problem and thats bleed. now I dont...
hey so hold on im goin to post my blog
Yea but I think they should give you the option to drive in First person or 3rd
send me a mssg on xbox I will gladley help you
O wow this map is epic I love the cars it would be awsome if you could drive them and cause aciidents(wait you can do that in realife)
Epic sig maybe you can make me one sometime
These maps are epic I cant wait to play on them to bad there is not community slayer anymore or alot of maps put up on forge hub would be playable...
That reminds me of those goblins that you see in harry potter good job and I love the naturall look to it. you should make more forge art
O i didnt know those threads were that old I just posted my thoughts on it and what I think not to spam or bump. and if the threads are that old...
That linked one i dont get it
Thats funny if only our school played music maybe it would stop kids from doing drugs or being late to class.
Wow what happen thats jacked up In all my years of halo Ive never seen that many people well that beats my spawning death glitch.
what do you mean
I have a few but They are not mine theyre a freinds but they r really good
its just your computers bandwidth i you have your PC updated or fixed it then it should be better
wow I never realized this game was bieng made looks kinda good
Mr. Chief
unfourtunatly no but there is an option where you can limit who has equiment