Oh yes, would be a pleasure. Now if only we had water without hard kill zones in them...
its on their high priority list
The cover pieces featured in the new Arena map, Torque, we be included in the next forge update. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] Community Evolved is a book by that will explore the past decade of Halo's fan community whilst interviewing respected members that have...
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Community Favorite Forge Polls Forge polls would make the community feel as if they are participating to help make the...
COMMUNITY FEATURE REQUESTS Shortly after the release of halo 4, many people started to notice just how underwhelming the leap forward was in...
STRUCTURE PRIMITIVE BLOCKS Please remove all detailed trim and rounded edges. Restrict these visual details for the ‘decorative’ or...
WORKFLOW: Create a “Favorites” section where we can place our most commonly used pieces. This will reduce the amount of time required to find the...
[ATTACH] Today ForgeHub featured the recreation of a widely celebrated map from Halo 3 called "Sandtrap" by WyvernZu, a new member of our...
MAP FEATURE SANDTRAP by WyvernZu [MEDIA] view original map thread Sandtrap was Halo 3‘s largest Big Team Battle map at launch. It took large,...
2V2 MAP FEATURE GOLDLEAF by Xandrith [MEDIA] view original map thread MAP DESCRIPTION "Goldleaf is an asymmetrical 2v2 map with a greek theme....
I 'third' this, please let us customize ammunition for weapon pads! 2v2 will be so much better
I spy a little whale called "Timmy"!
I think you need to simplify the layout if you want an organizational flow for 4v4. I think you have some great ideas here but they are all...
Didn't think I would say this, but this remake looks great. Thumbs up based on the pics so far.
I'm confused, why have different names for the same map? Does the layout change? I would just pick one name for the map if the layout is the same.
INFINITY’S ARMORY [IMG] If you were to drop by for a tour, you’d find a great deal of work-in-progress goodness on screens across the studio,...
Hi there, thanks for submitting your map "sumo pit" however, we require that at least one image be submitted to your map post for it to remain on...
Looking good but a bit hard to get a sense of the overall layout. Can you delete the ceiling pieces and provide an overview so we can see whats...
This reminds me of the estate the genius programmer lived in while developing his AI in the movie "Ex Machina".