Memento. Cos. On a side note, it's sad to see how dead this place has become.
You called. I haven't been forging a lot recently but I'll try to be a little more active over here and at THC. You haven't seen the last of me.
Hey, warholic my little apprentice. You finally released this old thing... It looks like it has changed a whole lot since I last saw it and...
I don't think it should be confined to MLG, but with the small fileshare we are given I just don't have the space to put up a version with a more...
I do agree. Out of the three maps I released at the same time this one had most emphasis put onto 1v1 play, it was only when one of my friends...
Sorry Frank. I've just moved off to University and wont be forging untill the easter holidays. But I'll be keen to catch you up then.
The problem with Nitendos is they only print money for Nintendo. I wouldn't see a cent. I was thinking of getting rid of those sheep, but ya know,...
Hey, keep your rainbow puke off this map. I'm trying to embrace the gray. Nah but thanks man, I appreciate the kind words. Ha ha ha, typical...
Thanks mayn
You have tidied this map up so well I think I just spilt my coffee. Have you managed to get many/any games on this yet. I want to hear how it...
Thanks for the kind words guys. I'll try to come back and individually reply to everyone that has commented in this thread, but I'm a bit busy at...
Ha ha, yeah I think only two of the maps in my FS don't have water <.< Thanks, I tried my best to continue a strong aesthetic theme throughout...
Archon [IMG] Archon is a medium sized roombased asym primary for 2v2s. It revoles around the timing of power weapons and control of the...
Sequoia [IMG] Sequoia is a Small fast paced roombased asym primarily for 2v2s. It revolves heavily on Top control and the fight to secure...
Siren [IMG] Siren is a small vertical roombased map designed primarily for 1v1s. It revolves around juggling map control with power weapon...
Oasis [IMG] Created by WALDO the lemon Oasis, originally named with the place holder "waterway" is a symmetrical arena map that plays KOTH,...
Oh nice. UT is pretty sweet, I wouldn't be surprised if that kept you busy for a long time. Also as you mentioned the map designs are pretty...
Small, yes. Linear, not so much. I mean yeah the map is fairly simple but there is certainly enough depth for games to not feel too repetitive,...
I was in that 5 man FFA as well and I'll have to say that I don't really agree with Bean when he said that the aesthetics are overdone. I feel...
Thanks. Thanks. I was a little sad to see a real shortage of quake maps for this contest. Really aPK, you're worse than Hulter. I don't even...