caused by a player. I think i got it in the chat though. Block a man cannon with a fixed explosive, then blow up that explosive.
I need a wall that can only be destroyed from one side. I tried stacking crates, adding one way shields, then piling up some fusion coils or...
haha no biggie man are signs around exodus that have a picture of a head with a helmet that say GRD and then a bunch of characters on them. just saying.
Umm werent you the person who said you would work on my half completed map...?
hey, do you have Armeggedon finished? no biggie, just wondering.
Ah ok thanks. Thats nice to know, although i was hoping to do it with a floating teleporter. Thanks for the help!
Armageddon "These ancient forerunner ruins are believed to hold the key to ending all life as we know it." Hey Guys. I'm abkarch, and this is my...
Hey guys, first post here. Im working on a halo reach infection map (which i plan on posting here) and im wondering, is there any possible way to...