Hey Dude I Remember Playing This With You A long Time Ago You Should Definetely Make More Like this.,next time you get on line i need you to help...
i have maps with tons of vehicles blocks lights wall callesiums and railings but thats it
I think i like it closed, i have some ideas that would work out great for this map my Gt is ROGUE SHADDOW
im willing to help my XBL gt is ROGUE SHADDOW
there is not much cover try and throw in a couple sand bags and crates in open areas to give every one a fare chance if you fix that the map would...
who are you and y do you want me to join
Do you rank up by posting maps or by blogging?
looks like winter contengincy but where on it ? !!!
hey me and a friend are making a halo movie would you like to join if theres room
sounds good you should put up some pictures i would like to see if it is worthy of me downloading it
im deffinetly in ive been waiting for something like this
we cant test it after you posted it and theres no pics so i cant give feedback work on that then well talk
you always post right before me im getting irretated its cause my internet is slow
yyou should put a sniper on top of the bridge (limited ammo) so hes not in to control Edited by merge: im a fan of snipers
he should lower the grid so you cant see it but you can walk on it
i will tell you air assault:rocket launcher magnum...
we cant exactly see the map size here i personalty think there needs to be more weapons on the map
you need at least a paragraph of your descriptions (recremended) 3 pictures and all your weapons posted or it will be locked up trust me its...
i was playing on hemerege and i spawned on pinnacle
how do i fill in the form