this is a lot like my map Vector not exactly but compare. cool map though, a bit shady on the smoothness of the ramps.
cool idea man i dl also how did you get that weapon map
Haha! I only really have one thing that is really usefull that i tought myself all of the of the others is really just knowing the geomatry for...
yes i know that it is very unsightly but i really dont want those crates to move. about the center box please elaborate im not sure i get your drift.
Thank you all for your replies! First off, The Observation room is reached from a long hallway from the spawn's. as i said this is a very fast...
well i used walls, double walls, and corner walls for the actual arches but the making of it i used crates and double boxes and weapon holders,...
VECTOR For Intense close quarters combat, strategic gamplay and on the spot analysis! VECTOR the map So far, set up with Team KOTH*, normal...
Hold on i think that i put up the wrong maptype, also the gravity hammer only spawns every 180 seconds and only 1 per team at first. Seeing as how...
Oh haha! i knew i was missing somthing! um... not sure really i just kinda liked how while you run through the shield doors it makes a rythmic...
Re: Colloseum Flats Regretfully, I made these maps when i first heard about interlocking but i didnt know how to post and embed images. I dident...
Colosseum Flats: The Map Colosseum Flats The Gametype Flats Fight This is the second of my three colosseum map types. ---Colosseum Hills...
Ok all fixed more pictures and more info.
I guess im wrong about the beta, i'll keep in mind that in the future.
I shall show more pics of the inside! and outside!
Colosseum HillsBETA: The Map Colosseum HillsBETA The Gametype Hill Fight This is the first of my three colosseum map types. ---Colosseum...
You can spawn kill but it does require a greater amount of skill on the killers part then the victoms. It is "easy" to defend the spawn, keep in...
Thanks Gobbles! I plan to be releasing 5 more maps, all of which were quite elaborately made. They all look fantastic but im unsure for a few of...
The Rats Box! By Gassy Mule This map includes: -4 soccer balls -8 barrels -5 shield doors -1 bomb This map is built on the top of Ratsnest in...
I finished it ligit on hard that makes me good i guess... OH! you cheaty cheater...
honestly im really only good at oblivion and gmod since im half new to forge and i suck at N+