put me in as ten please (sorry for the late response i was busy the past week)
I tried to watch roseary + vampire and could not get very far in it can someone tell me if its worth my time since i hate lovey dove horse ****...
i do agree with what you said but it is for mlg and mlg people dont like any color or natural things unless they are rocks lol
I simplified the map because all the aesthetics were not 100% needed and I have been trying to work out the slopes to make mobility better its...
please tell me i can dl this map because every time i try to dl a map off of bungie.net it never shows up on my game i so totally want to play...
I finished the update. the map is in my file share
i totally would dl this map but none of the good maps have updated links now i am sad good looking map
this is pretty boss i downloaded it and i bet i could fix some of the frame rate there might be less aesthetics but i would play better idk
this map was fun as crap to play good job dude
nooch this map was bad ass when we played it in the testing group good job man
nice job dude this map was really fun to test i really enjoyed koth on this map
best band ever man
holy crap this map is beast no frame rate drops boss spawning good cover and weapon placement my faverite map next to mlg sanc
its kinda hard to get through the first few episodes because of how slow paced they are but it gets better as you go
any body see code geass? imo best anime ever next to bleach,inuyash,high school of the dead and halo legends
Nice looking map dude I have always wanted to use the erea by the water fall but I never could think of a good map to put there
I would really enjoy forging with you too all of my friends have moved on from halo or have not been online for years so I will try to get a forge...
i still need to play test it but it can hold 8 people but the original would be really laggy thats why i updated it
repost of Outflow with thumbnail pic same call outs originaly made by Big OrdealBungie.net : Reach : Service Record [IMG] over view [IMG] red...
this map was originaly made by Big Ordeal so all credit goes to him he is a reall good forger so check him outBungie.net : Reach : Service Record...