v.99 out Please refer to the OP for updated screens. Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming! DOWNLOAD
The screens in the OP have been updated with the v2 changes. There have been some significant changes so check it out if you liked the first...
.BloodBath (v.99) DOWNLOAD V.99 is out. Check the screens for the changes. Note that this is the competitive edition and a team slayer edition...
nice map Matty...great look. I'll give it a peek later
You've got some great maps out Mallet...keep up the good work
looks great I'll check it out later
it's about time you made a 4's map. You did a bangup job with the bases. The markers worked great - and also added some color to the map. Nice map...
Personally, I enjoy the creative aspects of Foundry. It's disappointing to me that our efforts in Foundry amount to "ugly grey warehouse" to you....
Re: Different Level again that's fine, but to the end of improving the community it'd be helpful if you left reasons or suggestions.
thanks for taking the time and look forward to hearing more My take on spawning - use 1 neutral spawn covering the entire map and rely on the...
Re: Tarantula Tower very creative and well put together. I like the concept of the top area but would like to see you clean it up a bit - how it...
really nice map - like everyone else said good job mixing aesthetics and playability.
very neatly put together and nice layout - I liked the top and I think you did a good job with the cover. I could see the bottom ring being fun in...
Thanks for all the feedback. V1.1 is up - the sniper spawns have been fixed (150s dropspawn with 1 extra clip) - sorry about missing that one....
I liked the geometry and you managed to keep the layout intuitive but interesting. It looks like it'll have a nice flow. Overall I think you did a...
Looks like you could have a lot of fun with the shotty or hammer in the tight playing area and I like the use of so many floors. I think it puts...
I liked the map - it's a bit tight in some spots for my tastes - but I think you did a good job with gameplay variety and creating your own...
Re: Different Level v1.0!
Different Level v1.0! V1.0 is out! The matchmaking edition is the primary version now. Barring any major issues, this will be the final version...