I know you can't see much from the pics, but this map really is the ****. Download it, play it, this map is great for MLG customs.
I guess it is real then, good find Whisper. I'm assuming we'll be seeing this in the Whats Update tomorrow. And if you enlarge that picture, you...
I have no idea. Everybody else is going up during Spring Break, but I'm having other plans. So I might not get up there until the summer.
I'm surprised you guys would pick Amp, I personally hope it gets replaced. There are plently of good alternatives.
Good fun to be had on this map. The choppers can get stuck in the single boxes, its pretty hilarious to see them trapped.
Did you get your new TV?
Apparently tD got owned by Carbon. The live stream hasnt worked for me though. Any tips? I have Windows Media player 11 and the live stream...
Yeah, I've been waiting to get some TS. Lets play on Monday.
No problem dude, I'll be on in about 30 mins if you want to run some TS.
If you see this come play some quick TS, otherwise we'll have to play tomorrow.
If you see this come play some quick TS, if not we'll play tomorrow.
Don't you mean you try to play like him... Anyways, I don't hate tD, but I'm not at all a fan of FearItSelf and Hysteria. If anything good came...
Holy ****! Snipedown is a beast. Man than was close, props to SK and Karma at the end, they clutched it. That should have been Str8's win btw.
Hah, got that right. It looked like he wanted to cry, lol. Str8 better step it up for this game. 2-1 for tD, it's tight.
Dang, Antigravity moves on to the Open bracket final. That was some sick sniping from Severince, too bad it wasn't his POV. EDIT: Legendz are...
Lol yeah. "idiot" and "retard". Hopefully Legendz can get it together now and beat Florida Jackalopes this time. I hope Gotta Love The Sun...
Omg, sick Construct slayer game by Legendz. And Legend with the killing frenzy, that was ownage. They're up 2-1 on Staus Quo, so it's looking...
They'd better get their **** together. At least I got to see Breaking Point put Florida Jackalopes in their place. And that triple kill by...
Did Legendz get knocked off by some random?
^^^ ... Which is pretty much the same thing, except most people have no idea where Redmond is.