I recently hosted this at a somewhat recent halo party (well it was around Christmas) and I've been meaning to post my impressions ever since....
I hosted this game at a recent halo party, looking up fun minigames including this one before hand, and even though I thought the game could be...
Well I see that now the screenshot issues are over with, let me comment on the map itself. I like it, it has a very similar style to the maps I...
I do like this map's layout, I can definitely see it's inspiriation from the Pit. From what I can see from the screens, the sightlines are broken...
I gotta say you used that space up on the canyon wall particularly well, probably better than the map I made there. Though I also gotta say that...
First of all, I gotta say I like the screenshots, they really help show the size and details of the map, so good job there. And don't lose all...
Wow this map does look really good. But only 2v2? I don't believe you, I think it looks perfectly large enough for standard 4v4 battles as well...
I hope that you're aware that Uplift is the name of a map in Halo 2 PC (and the name of it as a possible remake is what brought me into the...
The Legendary map pack was always my favorite from Halo 3, (Blackout, Avalanche, Ghost Town, all really fun maps) and I'm glad to see someone put...
I did take a look around and yeah it takes up the whole quarry no problem, the red team spawn being on the far right side. But, no blue spawn?...
Hooray! Another thread that my feedback helped to improve by adding more screens! I'm starting to feel like I HAVE THE...
Well I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the name Metropolis, just that it's basically the go-to name for alot of large city-themed maps...
It looks pretty good, lots of close-quarter fighting in and around buildings, though it doesn't seem to quite fill the entire quarry space; I...
Not very creative with names huh? (Been there.) I'm pretty sure I've got at least 3 other different maps under the name "Metropolis" on my 360,...
The long sightlines and layout of the map definitely promote sniping and cross-mapping tactics, possibly even making movement from either end a...
Some of the screenshots make the map seem kind of open, while others make it seem somewhat cluttered, I suppose it isn't very easy to take...
The map seems well integrated into the quarry space and looks good for medium sized games. Naturally, being an asymmetric map, the weapon spawns...
Yes I can definitely see the influence from Lockout (maybe a little too much influence) and that's never a bad thing. Though the map layout is a...
I had downloaded the earliest version you had posted and looked around then, and I agree that the layout and terrain are the best yet, though the...
The layout is pretty good I think, with enough pieces to break up sightlines and offer cover around. Though a weapon list and a more detailed...