Aeacus All the way! by GTA_TOM_V
Dude this is an amazing map. I dont know why it has no replies cause quite literally it is awesome. I love the water tunnels and the invasion...
Hey i wanted to know if i could edit your amazing map, New Turf, I've played it before with my friends and we always have a blast with it but me...
Thanks, I worked on the map for quite a while and the story took a while to. I'll be sure to fix the pictures and add a weapon list. added bigger...
This is my 6th map I've posted. If you don't like reading awesome things ( your stupid and impatient) then scroll down until you see this ***....
it is literally impossible to camp in the secret spots
Why don't you just try it? It took me and my friend awhile to make and we are pretty happy with how it turned out. I guess it could have been...
its not small its HUGE!
Well first of all me and my friend have been making this all night. And second the weapons you are talking about are hidden so they're hard to find.
This is my 4th posted map. This map is what the title says. There are plenty of secret hideouts and weapons. It is an open free-roam game meaning...
Hey I just wanted to let you know that I created a website for our group. And if you'd like to come join and i can make you the leader. heres the...
Sure that'd be perfect. Thanks!
yeah completely but i was wondering if you could, in your spare time, fix my signature so it also shows my other map, Mt. Servatsu? If you could...
Hey could you do me a favor?
Hey everyone! This is my third map that I've posted. Well anyways, this map took me a while to make thanks to stupid bungie and their retarded...
hey are we doin firefight fridays tonight? if so when?
Dude this is amazing! How'd you make it? Thanks!
It looks pretty nice. I'll definitely DL. But, I think I have an idea of what you could put as the lava outside. Put some one way shield things...
This is my third map and my favorite map. It's a small symmetrical map perfect for 2v2 or 4v4 team slayer, also perfect for free-for-all. I am...