Do it while you are making the map, easier if you put down the object info also so you don't need to do it after you are done.
What is the small antennas for ? and agreed, Needs a bit more athentics on the hold outs and the map looks small overall. Bottomless clip should...
Toggle, Easier for me to crouch jump, HLG and win DMR battles.
I got the classes just need some Traits to balance the ODST and Covenant
Hi people, Currently making a firefight map (Forge world) and is near complete but i need some help with making the Traits for the game type...
Use covers under decorations and add something that will stand out
Hello 4chubbers, I am here making a firefight map and Using the gametype called Alpha zombies and need some traits for the Humans (O.D.S.T) and...
You do know some people are busy right ? and have some other stuff to do so you don't need to get all mad. Anyway's onto the map and at least add...
Yea i believe Nova or something forget but you should make a back story and give us a weapon's list.
Welcome to forge hub lightning and don't trust anybody who say's there are cookies in the back.
So that is why i keep on dying in Invasion. This is messed up alot
I could help you cause i am working on a Map also so yea i'll add you right now
lol it does anywho make it look nice like that other guy said but how much Budget does it have ?
what is that Anime show you have i liek it :p
Yes i have finally finished One of Four Maps and now i have a beta for you Guys too test and Report Any glitches on this thread. For the backstory...
Ohh ok didn't know it only applied to Customs :p anywho i like the Map very Asian type now all we need are some Asian People too play this map...
You can do it by Going to edit then advance and stuff ↑
this is how you do it ... Spawn the spawns then after the set time make something spawn ontop of them blocking them off of spawning there then...
i would but i don't know how to record my voice into a Storage ;(
Bender the Lovable Fat Robot (LOL) anywho i agree with Cookie get rid of Fat bender then Its a map ;) and also show us the inside once done