I just figured i would dig this one up for people who haven't seen it yet. If you get a chance to play it let me know what you think. It's best...
Bump because it's been a loooong time...lol.
Very nice !!!! Love the stair idea. The maps layout is very well done... It had a good flow when playing 4v4. Spawns were a little weird at times,...
I got a chance to play this a friends and it was pretty fun. It was a little open, but worked pretty good for 2v2. The weapons seemed pretty...
First a 4 out of 10 and now a 6.5 out of 10 ? WOW !!!! Ignore this review Tex... Anything less than a 7.5 is illegal in all 50 states. As hard as...
Thanks man.... Cyprus really is a very fun map to play TS on. I'm kind of shocked that more people haven't downloaded and tried it out. It seems...
2v2 pl0x, 3v3 is not suggested =X but it could be some intense **** i would assume... though, im curious, you had no complaints, and this map is...
Would it be possible to get my map "CYPRUS" reviewed ? I know your not taking anymore suggestions, but i posted in the thread 2 weeks ago. Not a...
I played this tonight at my friends and it received some mixed opinions with the party. There were alot of complaints about the "OPENNESS" of the...
Excellent map !!! Love how the roof looks on the bottom floor. The air shoots are very well done and the overall layout is perfect for some TS...
All the maps look like pretty solid arena style maps. I'll play them tomorrow and report back...
Looks very well done... I'll be checking this out and reporting back tomorrow.
I liked this one... I usually don't like small maps, but this one is simple yet well thought out. Everything is merged nicely and the layout seems...
Thats exactly right... It's kind of like some of the old Halo 2 maps where one side is pretty much a mirror image of the other. It's a raw...
I walked through this one earlier. Great map !!! Loved the way it felt like i was on a completely different map. It kind of felt like a "Campaign...
Looks good !!! Very clean and well put together. I'll give it try later...
Brute Captain gets nippy when anyone gives any kind of criticism about Jedwali...lol. Whats the point of posting maps if your gonna get upset...
Very nice !!!! A little small for my tastes , but a great map nonetheless. I loved how you made the area where you drop down to get clear. The...
Extremely clean merging and a nicely constructed tunnel. No doubt that "Death Star" is second to none in the looks department. I have my questions...
Very nice map !!! I especially liked the top area where you get the shotgun. This map is very unique and the layout from top to bottom works very...