Okay, thanks for the heads up. It does take a while for the backend to download your entire game history. With 4000 games, if there's no one else...
Ah ha. Thanks. I'll have my web dev look into it. (It may be a few days, though, as my web dev is on vacation this week.) As far as I can tell,...
You mean, how can we do science with Reach? The idea here is to understand how much of a difference playing with regular teammates makes on your...
Bump. We're still looking for more participants.
These are all great ideas and questions, and fairly inline with our own thinking. The objective games should be the best place to see teamwork,...
Bump. We're still looking for participants (up to about 350 out of the 1000 we're hoping for). If you've done it already, please consider telling...
The first part of the survey asks you a bunch of questions about how you prefer to play Halo and how you play with your "primary group of friends"...
Sign up here: https://www.cs.colorado.edu/haloreach/ You create an account so that you can return to the website later. This is necessary because...
It's a legitimate scientific study, meaning that I'm really a university professor and we're really doing science here. The study focuses on team...
How awesome a Halo: Reach player are you? Are you part of the best Halo team or are you a wicked lone wolf? The University of Colorado at...