probably when I got that achievement where you have to like asasinate an elite. That took aaaaaaaaageeeeesss
Hmmm...this looks really cool. Oh, where did the name come from?
Hmmmm...this looks really cool. It's an original idea but, what happens if you miss the tree? Do you die or?
Feral Operator Kingdom Come 2 Class 1v1 maps. The 3rd was a beautiful, exciting race by CookieMonster (I think)
Played a game on this yesterday: 9.5/10 Guys, this map is absolutely stunning. When I played I had barely any gameplay problems. Along with the...
Whoa man, this looks sick. That room with the dishs,I've never seen that combination before,brilliant.
I have played this map loads. It is very fun. Only at the end it is very hard to kill the humans because they are camping in that tower.
great map there =]