looks awesome. this map must play very well. Some parts look amazing, like the 1st sniper tower the rest...if Bungie put in a "paint object with a...
GAH! typo in Oddball! (dropped a must) Also, I totally disagree with the zombies thing. The whole point of old-school zombies (*cough* H2x/H2v)...
you are a cruel, conniving person Furious D; that is what makes you awesome!
damn man that is F***ing ill. this makes me sad that my queue is full (and I dont have an xbox)
well it's not a suspension bridge, but its still cool. a suspension bridge is defined as held up by connections (usually steel cable) to an...
Re: Tunnel Rats 2 this is incredible. the waterfall, hidden passages, and helicopter were ill, as well as the wooden floors. My download queue is...
what's an open bx?
nice edit: [was deleted] edit #2: there should be a way of destroying/blocking the chute temporarily, like with wood things that can be meleed
niceeeeeeeeeee since bungie was too lazy to bring back the best infection map, (totally ruining the gametype,) you have taken it upon yourself to...