Halocustoms seems to be acting up again. . . But I don't think I can make Keystone tomorrow. I have to work at 4:00 and if I'm gonna go riding I...
I liked the first name better. :p I also really want to get a game with you on it, now that it's playable. I've been anxious to play this since...
Is this not in your file share anymore? I tried looking for it last night and couldn't find it. I'd love to have this map, as it looks fantastic....
This map is garbage and not anywhere close to deserving of a feature! That was a joke. This map is fantastic, and deserves every second of the...
I'm about 85% done with construction. Just got the mancannons working. :D The modified jump height helps, but there are still a couple parts where...
Played a game on this earlier tonight. . . It was the silliest, cutest, most awesome game I've ever played on Pit. You've inspired me. I think...
^dumb setup is dumb^ But it's better than nothing. I've already updated my threads with links.
File Share is live, direct download link added to top of original post.
THE WEDGE >click here to download< The Wedge is a 4v4 competitive, symmetrical, arena style map built for Infinity Slayer. CTF, Oddball, and...
Or if their suggestions will help transform a map that's merely good into one that's truly great.
I had a lot of fun playing this with you earlier. This is a very good map. The middle of the map didn't see much traffic, as it was a death trap,...
I lurk I post. . . BBQ bear meat, so much fat = so much flavor. Doesn't even need sauce.
Yes yes and yes. I feel like 2v2 really suffers from instant respawn. Leave everything else like it is but this is the right decision.
After playing a few games with you on each of these, I can honestly say that this is some mighty fine work. Congratulations on the HaloCustoms...
ANNEX 2v2 Map Name: Annex Creator: FragsturBait Gamertag Hosting the Map: FragsturBait Link to Forge Hub Thread: Annex Link to File Share: Annex...
>CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD< This is my submission for the ForgeHub 2v2 Dust Up. Annex is a small asymmetrical map designed for (duh) 2v2, but...
That's quite the compliment, thank you. :) Overview you say? [IMG]
Permission granted. I'm planning on running Slayer tomorrow morning, can you test CTF and Oddball? I think those gametypes might work better 3v3...
Map Preview Annex - Forge Hub
If all goes according to plan, this will be my submission for the 2v2 Dust Up. I haven't played any games on it yet, but I'm bringing it to Dax's...